A resource to help you serve people better

By Garrett

Jul 6, 2017

I’m going to keep it short and sweet.

If you aim to help people through the work that you do, you need to know about Seth Godin.

He is a marketing expert, but not in the traditional “here is how you convince people to buy your stuff” kind of way. What makes him great is he approaches all of his work from a place of “how does what you do add value to people’s lives and help them in some way?”

While great business advice, his writing also helps you just be a better human. So whether you run your own business, work in marketing, or neither, his work is worth checking out.

He has written over 20 books, but I recommend you get introduced to him through his daily newsletters. They are short, thought provoking, and somehow always on point. My recent favorite is “Make Two Lists“, which per usual is both great business and great life advice. That link will take you to his blog where you can find additional posts, and sign up for his newsletter if you like what you read.

If you go down the Seth Godin rabbit hole and end up wanting to check out his books, don’t hesitate to reach out for recommendations. I’ve read a few of them and would gladly nerd out with you on whichever one you choose.

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read my emails. I know that your inbox is crowded and your time is precious, so it is greatly appreciated.

The Garent Trap

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  1. DB

    What a simple thing to do, but with profound effects I would assume.

    • Garrett

      Sometimes (many times) it doesn’t have to be complicated, it just takes approaching what we do with the right intention.

  2. DB

    What a simple thing to do, but with profound effects I would assume.

    • Garrett

      Sometimes (many times) it doesn’t have to be complicated, it just takes approaching what we do with the right intention.


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